When I first started ARTS Z CRAFTS Z, I was drawn to LIGHTHOUSES (pardon the pun). I even used it as a logo type graphic on my business cards, way back then. I loved to illustrate them, paint them, carve them out clay, dimensional wall art, you name it. I’ve done some amazing pieces centered around that theme and I will share with you what they represent to me…
They are a BEACON of Hope. they represent the LIGHT of Gods love piercing through the darkness, seeking the lost and the wayward. They are comforting and stand as a safe haven between the elements and man. I see them as place of solemnity and solitude, close to the ebb and flow of the rolling sea.
As an artist, I have always enjoyed landscapes and architecture, so I suppose ‘the Lighthouse’ is the ULTIMATE combination of both. I have only recently delved into the portrait area of art and I am enjoying it immensely.
Lighthouses will always hold this special significance for me. I will be adding section to this site to showcase and highlight the many forms of art I have created over time. I will add them collectively and whenever possible, will create specifically named sections for works that center around themes i.e. Lighthouses, butterflies, bridges, sunsets, etc.
ARTS Z CRAFTS Z – Inspiration_Lighthouse | Facebook
First Lighthouse: Boston, MA (1716)
Oldest Lighthouse in Service: Sandy Hook, NJ (1764)
Newest Shoreside Lighthouse: Charleston, SC (1962)
Tallest Lighthouse: Cape Hatteras, NC (191 ft.)
Highest Lighthouse (above sea level): Cape Mendocino, CA (515 ft.)
First American-built West Coast Lighthouse: Alcatraz Lighthouse (1854)
First lighthouse to use electricity: Statue of Liberty (1886)
First Great Lakes lighthouses: Buffalo, NY & Erie, PA (1818)
Founding of the US Lighthouse Service—7 August 1789
US Lighthouse Service merged with the Coast Guard—7 July 1939
To find a list of lighthouses in the United States, visit the National Park Service: http://www.cr.nps.gov/maritime/ltsum.htm