DIY Produce Printed Tea Towels Tutorial by Craftable

If you’ve ever spent time cooking and prepping fresh produce, you certainly have noticed the intricate and beautiful patterns made by nature– the perfect circle and curved triangles of citrus fruits, the tiny flowers found in a pod of okra, and soft ovals of rows and rows of corn. Well, produce isn’t just for eating any more! Fabric Creations fabric paint is ideal for produce-crafting with its colors drying soft and smooth. Check out the video below, followed by full written instructions, to learn how to craft unique tea towels, with kids or adults, as gifts or for your own home! While we used okra, lemons, limes, corn, and peppers, the possibilities for printing and stamping with produce are unlimited! What will you be printing with?
  1. Lay fabric over printing mat. 
  2. Cut a piece of produce in half.
  3. Sponge paint over the cut half.
  4. Press onto fabric.
  5. Reapply paint for each impression.
  6. For corn, stand on end to sponge on paint.
  7. Roll corn on fabric to create impression
  8. Let dry completely before washing.
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from The Plaid Palette