The power of share and share a LIKE

I am always scouring the web and utilizing whatever platform I can to gain exposure for my many projects and online objectives.

If you have not heard of “Co-Promote“, you need to check it out.

You can use the platform for FREE or (upgrade) once you see the usefulness and if your budget allows.

*Twitter *Tumblr *YouTube * Vine

share content and get your shared
share content and get your shared

Just look at the exposure sharing a few posts yielded me in exchange for my ad. Having other like minded individuals on the web, posting and sharing my content to their walls, posts & feeds. \o/ wooohoo!

40 shares which equates to 74.3 Thousand viewers

In a very short period of time, I received hundreds of followers who were seeking to share exactly what I was posting. I shared some of their content and they have shared plenty of mine. Doing this expands your viewing audience exponentially more than just posting to your Social Media profiles.  It is a win win arrangement.


Here are the FAQ’s on CoPromote:


What Is CoPromote?

CoPromote is a free co-marketing platform that helps content creators boost their social shares to new target audiences on Twitter, Tumblr, Vine or YouTube. Our community of 800,000+ members includes authors, artists, bloggers, brands, businesses, designers, filmmakers, musicians, photographers, tastemakers, and more.
CoPromote scales reach and engagements by getting a social post re-shared and retweeted by other members of the community. Select a post you want shared and we match you with other like-minded, trusted influencers to share your content directly to their followers to get it viral. CoPromote tracks all your shares and social engagements for every post you boost so you know exactly who is sharing your content, how engaged it is, and where to improve.
Join CoPromote to grow your network and share fresh content with your followers. It’s quick, simple, and effective!